July Events 2010

Sunday, July 11th
Bayport heritage and the American League of Pen Women are hosting an art exhibit at
Meadow Croft, 1 pm- 4 pm.
There will be artists painting and exhibiting their work as well as poetry readings
on the front porch and lawn.
Bring a chair and join us!

Thursday, July 22nd
Bayport Heritage is hosting a Community Concert in
Bayport Memorial Park gazebo
7 pm- 8:30 pm
Dave Schecher and the L.I. Brass Guild
will be playing under lights. Bring lawn chairs.
Rainy weather will move us to
the Bayport Methodist Church Sanctuary.

The May meeting is scheduled for Saturday,
May 8th, 2010
Bayport-Blue Point Library, 7:30 pm

National Quilting Association teacher and lecturer
Barbara Arnold
will present her program
“Quilts from the Past”

Refreshments will be served as usual.

Please join us!

Our monthly meeting is at the Bayport-Blue Point Library at 7:30pm on April 10th.
Linda Conron, administrator of the
Sayville Historical Society, will present
“West Sayville Through the Years”
Please join us for this interesting presentation!
Please mark your calendar for these future dates:
May 15 & 16- Our Yard Sale
May 31- Memorial Day Parade

We take pride in stories about our country’s historical events, heroes and heroines but what actually happened….?
Join us for “Myths and Legends in American History” given by Martha Kolodkin.
March 13, 2010, 7:30 pm at the Bayport-Blue Point Library.
We will also have the annual business meeting and voting on proposed Board of Directors slate.
Irish refreshments will be served in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.
Don’t forget the St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sunday, March 14, 2010!
Rain Date is March 21, same time, same place.
Check the Chamber of Commerce link on the right.
Dues: Send your annual membership dues to Bayport Heritage Association, PO Box 4, Bayport, NY 11705
Individual $15, Family $25 and Seniors $10

Our next meeting is
February 14th, 2010 at 2pm
at the Bayport- Blue Point Library.

Our local Historian, Gene Horton, is presenting a lecture and slideshow titled,
First Ladies of the United States (FLOTUS- 19th Century).
(Gene recently entertained us with his FLOTUS-20th Century, which was great fun!)

Join us!

Valentine refreshments will be served.
Also see June Gillette’s Antique Valentine collection in the Library LeCluse showcase.

Come to the next Heritage meeting at the Baypor-BluePoint Library
2 pm Sunday afternoon, January 10th.
Hear about Women in the Revolution: Suzanne Griffing, Regent of the Col. Josiah Smith Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, will tell about how women helped on battle fields and the home front during the years 1776 to 1787.

Reminder: January and February meetings are held on the 2nd sunday of the month at 2 pm at the Library. Also, January is the time to pay 2010 dues.

The annual “Christmas at Meadow Croft”

Visit the 1891 John E. Roosevelt estate to see the main house in its winter glory.
First floor rooms will be magnificently decorated with wreaths,
roping, greenery, poinsettias and ribbons.
It will be beautifully decorated by local Flower Houses and Garden and Community Clubs.
Enjoy St. Nicholas, hot chocolate, cookies and music on the grand piano.
Holiday displays and collections will also be on exhibit upstairs.
All decorations will be raffled off.
December 5 & 6, 2009- Saturday and Sunday only
12 noon to 4 pm, both days
Admission $5 adults, $3 for seniors & children 12 and under. (This is not suitable for children under 4 years old.)

Decorations that will be raffled are to be given away at the end of the day on Sunday.

In 1834 a road was built through the middle of the farmlands from Sayville to Blue Point and the road was named Middle Road.
At first the Bayport community was called Middle Road Village, but then renamed Southport.
Since there was another village upstate called Southport, the name had to be changed again.
When the Post Office was set up in 1858, the name was changed to Bayport.

The Bayport Heritage trip and guided tour through Green-Wood Cemetery, brought us to the plot of the Roosevelt family, and the headstone of John Ellis Roosevelt,
the owner of Meadow Croft.
Our guided tour also included the Bourne family mausoleum and other historical sites.
It was a lovely day, and an educational trip into the past.