03 Nov Christmas celebration!
Posted at 22:34h
in news
Greetings all Bayport Heritage Members
We hope you have marked your calendarfor
Saturday, December 5th and Sunday, December 6th, 2015
for our annual Christmas celebration at Meadow Croft.
This year’s 2015 theme is “A Winter Wonderland.”
As in the past, all decorations will be raffled off. Many thanks from the Christmas at Meadow Croft committee and the officers and directors of the Association.
Please contact Bayport Heritage to buy your raffle tickets.
Bill Hansen, President
Mary Bailey, Vice President & Corresponding Secretary
Connie Smith, Recording Secretary
John Amato, Treasurer
Joe Novak
Tom Maher
David Harenberg
Laura Amato
Jill Hansen
Kristy Giacchetto
Event chairperson:
Gene Horton