Favorite recipes: At the First Bloom Tea we annually have our Strawberry Soup. Recently a member, Rose A., shared her Scandinavian Almond Cake. It was praised for its delicious flavor and moistness. Rose uses the traditional Scandinavian pan but any pan can be adapted for...

Our First Bloom Tea was a big success!The garden is beautiful, cultivated by volunteers of the Bayport Heritage Association and the Sayville Garden Club, with the harvest benefiting the Sayville Food Pantry.Unfortunately, the roses didn't cooperate and bloomed a little too soon this year. The winter on...

From the Memorial Day Parade and Memorial ServiceBayport Heritage Association was one group among many to march in the parade, complete with fire department, high school band, boy and girl scouts, antique cars and of course, our local veterans.Thank you to all who served!...

For members only:FIRST BLOOM TEAFriday, June 15th 5:30pmIf you would like to join Bayport Heritage and participatein the "members only" events, please call 631-472-4625 for more information. You can also visit the official websitefor a downloadable membership form, at www.bayportheritage.org and click on "membership" at the top.Annual DuesFamily: $25Senior...

Company K, 67th NY Volunteer Infantry held a Reenactment Memorial Service for Civil War General, Regis de Trobriand, who is buried in St. Ann's Cemetery.The weather was perfect for the reenactment. ...

 Saturday, May 12th 1pmCompany K, 67th NY Volunteer Infantry will be holding a Reenactment Memorial Service for Civil War General, Regis de Trobriand, who is buried in St. Ann's Cemetery.This will be a Civil War Funeral in his memory.Regis de Trobriand (June 1816-July1897) was a French aristocrat, lawyer,...

The next monthly meeting of the Bayport Heritage Association will be on Saturday, May 12th at 7:30pm at the Bayport-Blue Point Library.Guest speaker will be Bob McCarthy, a resident of Bayport. Bob will be speaking about his experiences in World War II and will bring his own mementos...

The Bayport Heritage Associationnow has an official website.Check it out here, by clicking this link:http://bayportheritage.org/...

The next meeting will be on April 14th, 2012Doug Shaw, on the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of theTitanic will discuss our local connection to that fateful day.Bayport Heritage meetings are usually held on the 2nd Saturday of the month in the Community Room of...