05 Feb February 2016 Newsletter
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Sunday February 14th 2016 at 2pm in the Public Library.
“Islip Grange A Place to Touch the Face of History.” Founded in 1974, a number of Long Island period structures were moved onto this 12 acre site. Presenter George Munkenbeck will explore the present conditions at the Grange as well as the historic background of the land and structures and the work of Friends of the Grange to restore the park.
NOMINATIONS FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The nominating committee is developing a slate of board members for the 2016 board. If you know of someone who would be willing to serve on the board please contact Joe Novak, 631-363-7428. Thank you.
HOUSE TOUR 2016 Planning: Although its months away we are gearing up for the 2016 “House Tour” We are on the lookout for beautiful and interesting houses to feature this year. If you or anyone you know in Bayport or Blue Point would like to showcase their beautiful home please email us at BBPhistorical@gmail.com
ATTENTION GARDENERS: The garden is still asleep but we are looking for volunteers to help maintain the Meadow Croft Garden come spring. Use your “Green Thumbs” to email us at BBPhistorical@gmail.com
DOCENTS NEEDED: The association is in need of docents (tour guides) for historical guided tours at Meadow Croft. It requires very little time, less than 2 hours a day, two days a month, June through October. You will follow one of our current Docents to learn the rich history of Meadow Croft before leading a tour on your own. If you or someone you know is interested in history, please contact Harriet Mihlstin, 631-472-2118.
Membership Annual Dues: You can mail a check to our P.O. Box or pay at our February General Membership Meeting, February 14th.
Annual Dues: Family- $25, Individual-$15, Seniors-$10
Send checks, with your name and address to:
Bayport Heritage Association
P.O. Box 4
Bayport, NY 11705